The Future of Philanthropy: A Shared Vision from the #FixTheFlow Fellows

In 2022, we set out with a big ambition: to fix the broken philanthropic funding system. 

In our years of working with fundraisers and grant givers we kept hearing the same challenges that can’t (and shouldn’t) be solved alone. These dedicated, passionate ‘resource activists’ felt they were constantly struggling in a system that felt broken and ineffective. They didn’t want to just learn how to play the game when the game felt rigged, they wanted to change the game. And so do we. 

So, we created the #FixTheFlow Fellowship, a global movement, peer community and programme for fundraisers and funders that includes training, coaching, and systems-change projects. It’s a programme of education, transformation and personal growth and development. 

A core part of the programme is our transformative Collective Design process. 

Collective Design brings our fellows together to articulate their ‘Guiding Star’ vision for the future of the philanthropic funding system, define what is holding the system back from change, learn about power and systems change, and design and implement innovative projects to improve the funding landscape. 

Since 2022, we’ve learned so much from working with each other, and across fundraisers and grantmakers, many key needs are the same:

  1. We all know things aren’t working - it’s easy for funders and fundraisers to agree on the parts of the funding system that aren’t right. 

  2. We all want the same things - the visions of fundraisers and funders for how things should work are identical, we have so much more in common than we know.  

  3. We have more power than we realise - everyone feels stuck with the things that aren’t working, but together we’ve had a collective voice and supportive community that has enabled so many Fellows to create, demand or make a case for change.

  4. We need time to imagine - it can feel impossible to dream up a better future when we’re so stuck in the current system, so we need Imagination Infrastructure to help us make it a reality. 

  5. We need permission to ask for what we want - the problems of the funding system are sometimes self-fulfilling prophecies because we don’t question them or ask for anything different, but our Fellows have had so many ‘easy wins’ by simply feeling able to ask for what they want.    

#FixTheFlow Fellows’ Collective Vision for the Future of Philanthropy

Since #FixTheFlow launched, we have supported three cohorts of fellows through the Collective Design process to articulate a collective vision for the future of philanthropy. It’s inspiring, galvanising stuff. So far, our Fellows want: 

  1. Transparency and Accountability - Imagine a world where every decision in philanthropy is made openly and with integrity. A place where collaboration thrives because everyone knows the process and trusts the system. This is a world where transparency isn’t just a buzzword but a fundamental practice, and where we’re all accountable to those we’re seeking to create impact for.

  2. Equity and Justice - Picture a funding landscape that truly supports marginalised communities, giving them the dignity and autonomy they deserve. This is not just about shifting money; it’s about shifting power and creating partnerships built on respect and solidarity.

  3. Resilience and Sustainability - We dream of a future where funding isn’t just about the next project but about the long haul. Where visionary ideas and vital services receive the unrestricted support they need to flourish over time, ensuring nonprofits have the resources to innovate, deliver and lead.

  4. Collaboration and Partnership - Envision a sector where cooperation replaces competition. Funders and nonprofits work hand in hand, driven by trust and a shared mission. This is a community where everyone contributes to and benefits from collective success.

  5. Flexibility and Accessibility - Think of a system where funding flows as easily as water, adapting to needs without getting bogged down in red tape. This is about making sure resources get to where they’re needed most, quickly and efficiently.

  6. Innovation and Risk-Taking - What if we could take bold risks and fund the causes that matter most, even if they’re not the popular choice? We believe in nurturing creativity and valuing all types of knowledge to redefine ‘success’ as a journey of learning and growth, rather than one narrow top-down definition. .

  7. Systemic Change and Strategic Vision - We aim for nothing less than a revolution in philanthropy. Tackling the root causes of inequality with strategic, long-term thinking. Our ultimate goal? A world where philanthropy has done its job so well, it’s no longer needed.

This vision isn’t just a dream; it’s a call to action. Together, we can build a philanthropic system that flows for the benefit of everyone, not just a few.

Discover how you can contribute to this collective vision, and build the future of philanthropy we all need. 

Join us in this transformative journey and be a part of the change. 

Apply for the #FixTheFlow Fellowship here


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