I.G. Insights
Our thought leadership keeps us at the heart of discussion across the philanthropic, business and nonprofit communities.
Philanthropy: power dynamics and echo-chamber
In February, I.G. co-hosted Curation with a Conscience, an event delving into conversations about the risks of neutrality and addressing harmful power dynamics in the philanthropic space.
Giving: The Next Generation
Capturing the attention of the next gen donor has been the holy grail for those trying to catalyse investment into social good, and for good reason.
Fundraising Trends and Challenges: Insights from I.G.’s Major Gifts Surgery
Last week, I.G. hosted another Major Gifts Surgery, our recurrent rendezvous with charities from across the sector, where the I.G. team answers the most burning questions from fundraisers of every kind.
What Donors Want — recorded live at IoF’s 2019 Fundraising Convention | UK Fundraising
At this year’s IoF 2019 Fundraising Convention, we were thrilled to host a live episode of What Donors Want, featuring the brilliant philanthropist, Sonal Sachdev Patel.
#ClimateStrike — Which charities are tackling the climate emergency?
At I.G., as a registered B Corp and an organisation made up of people who would quite like the planet to remain hospitable to human life, we fully support the #ClimateStrike on the 20th September. In fact, if you are in London there is a chance you will see Team I.G. proudly taking part in the protest!
Why is I.G. The Best Company To ‘Escape’ To?
Well, firstly, it’s official. We won! I.G. Advisors is one of #TheEscape100 Best Companies To Escape To.
I.G. Book Club: Winners Take All by Anand Giridharadas
This month, I.G. held its first ever book club in Borough to discuss Anand Giridharadas’ controversial Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.
Extinction Rebellion: What’s next and how can philanthropists get involved?
Mother nature is finally gaining a stronger voice. Last week, the UK declared an ‘environment and climate change emergency’, one of the key demands of Extinction Rebellion (XR), the campaign calling on the public to join their non-violent civil disobedience protests and pushing governments globally to prioritise environmental policies.
Ways to make your giving great
Last month the EQ Investors team hosted an evening seminar for clients and friends to discuss charitable giving. Alongside Founder John Spiers presenting the excellent Giving is Great guide and charity search platform, and Jim Clifford OBE of Bates Wells Braithwaite sharing his wisdom and expertise, I was delighted to share some of my insights on how to make your giving great.
5 successful corporate partnerships with small NGOs
Corporate partnerships are a challenge for any non-profit, but can often feel especially out of reach for the smallest organisations, who can’t rely on large brands or networks. These fives examples show how genuine impact can be achieved by small organisations through proactive and purposeful collaboration with business.
Put Donors at the Heart of your Major Gifts Strategy: Key Insights from I.G.’s Second Surgery
Back by popular demand, we were delighted to host our second Major Gifts Surgery in partnership with the Hospital Club Foundation on the 11th March, welcoming an entirely new audience who brought brilliant energy to the room on a cold Monday morning!
Times are Changing: Why you should consider becoming a Trustee in 2019
Currently, 92% of trustees in UK non-profits consist of white males over 50 with an above average income and level of education. Although this paints a less dynamic view of the sector, Sophie Livingstone, the Managing Director of Trustees Unlimited, has assured me that times are changing, and we should all think about what charitable boards need — and what we can offer.